Fort Bragg Post Officers

2024 Post Officers

If you would like to volunteer for a position or have any questions, please reach out to and your questions will be forwarded to the appropriate board member.

PresidentRobert Pointer
1st Vice PresidentLane Sauls
2nd Vice PresidentEfram Fuller
SecretaryRamona Jones
TreasurerScott Hartung
Audit Committee LeadScott Hartung
Program/Event Committee LeadJohn Slaughter
Scholarship Committee LeadLane Sauls
Communications Committee LeadRobert Pointer
Finance Committee LeadScott Hartung
Awards/Recognition Committee LeadJury Brown
STEM/K-12 Committee LeadRobert Pointer
Streamer Committee LeadEfram Fuller
Engineering/Construction Camps Committee LeadJanette Tudor
Membership Committee LeadRobert Pointer
Post WebmasterJacob Hilton

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.