Securing America’s Future, Together — Join Us!
SAME gives you and your organization unmatched opportunities to achieve professional, business, and mission-driven goals within the public sector A/E/C industry. Founded in 1920, the Society remains focused on its enduring purpose: bringing industry and government together to strengthen national security and the engineering profession.
As a member, you have countless opportunities to collaborate and network with industry leaders in a joint service environment, on both local and national levels. You can grow professionally and personally by participating in technical education and training, a wide range of conferences, and community service events. Make connections at a local Post in your area. Nationally, our Communities of Interest offer exclusive access to engage with peers in a specific area of practice or designation. Stay informed with The Military Engineer magazine, Real TiME newsletter, and much more in the SAME Newsroom.
Membership gives you the opportunity to be in the room where it happens…and to collaborate to make things happen, in support of our nation’s security. Join our dynamic community that brings together over 25,000 individuals from public, private, academic, and non-profit entities that build, sustain, and serve America.
Questions? Contact

Payment Remittance Address
Society of American Military Engineers
P.O. Box 98399
Washington, DC 20090-8300
By the Numbers
- 23,000: Number of Individual Members
- 1,500: Number of Member Companies
- 5,500: Number of Government/Military Members
- 2,200: Number of Student Members
- 430: Number of 50-Year Individual Members
- 130: Number of 25-Year Member Companies
I believe SAME boils down to two things: finding value, and then being the value for others. I have no doubt that the thousands of our members can find value through their engagement in the Society. My hope is that each of you are inspired to go to you Posts and volunteer to be the value for others—to lead, mentor, volunteer, and to inspire others to join. This is the best way to give back. The next year is going to be amazing for SAME, from our tremendous leader development programs to world-class industry-government engagement. Get involved, make a difference, and be the value. I look forward to advancing our causes together.
Col. Charlie Perham, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), 104th SAME National President | 2023-2024

In 2020, SAME celebrated its 100th Anniversary, reaffirming a legacy of service to the nation and support to strengthening the engineering profession. As the Society moves forward in its second century, we are focused on delivering value and impact to our members, partners, and stakeholders. Whether strengthening engagement between industry and government, building and sustaining resilient communities, developing leaders for the profession, enriching the STEM pipeline for the nation, or preparing veterans and servicemembers for the A/E/C industry, SAME is working to help secure America’s future, together.
“We are establishing at this time a Society of American Military Engineers. This society will serve no selfish purpose. It is dedicated to patriotism and national security. Its objects are, in brief, to promote solidarity and co-operation between engineers in civil and military life, to disseminate technical knowledge bearing upon progress in the art of war and the application of engineering science thereto, and to preserve and maintain the best standards and traditions of the profession, all in the interests of patriotism and national security.”
The Military Engineer magazine, January-February 1920