Thank you for supporting the SAME Foundation 2024 Fundraising Campaign and helping STEM Journeys Start and Rising Leaders Soar!
Fostering Engineering Leadership for the Nation

In 2016, with a vision to strengthen and expand the philanthropic efforts of SAME and the lasting contributions of its members, partners, and stakeholders in every phase of progress in the engineering, architecture, and construction fields over the last century, the SAME Foundation was established to “foster engineering leadership for the nation.”
The first meeting of the SAME Foundation Board of Directors was held on Jan. 26, 2017. Establishing the SAME Foundation was a major step toward achieving the goals and objectives of the 2020 SAME Strategic Plan. As we advance the 2030 SAME Strategic Plan and look ahead to the impact we can make in the Society’s second century of service, the SAME Foundation through your generous support has an enormous opportunity to enhance the development of the next generation of military, government civilian, and A/E/C industry professionals: to help STEM journeys start and rising leaders soar.
The SAME Foundation supports programs that help introduce youth to STEM, mentor and support them on their journey to STEM careers, and develop emerging leaders within the A/E/C profession. Signature efforts include the SAME Leader Development Program, Camps Mentoring Program, and STEM Pathways Program for Indigenous Youth. The SAME Foundation also provides a secure and beneficial repository for charitable and other bequeaths from members of the Society and the public.
About the SAME Foundation
Established in 2016, the SAME Foundation is registered as a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Contributions to the SAME Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law—EIN: 81-1960637.
The SAME Foundation has received a Platinum Seal of Transparency by Candid (GuideStar) and a four-star rating with Charity Navigator.
Additional Resources & Information | (Questions? Contact Kathy Off)

SAME Foundation Board of Directors
We are fortunate to have an extraordinary group of individuals to lead the SAME Foundation, including several past SAME National Presidents*. The SAME Foundation is chaired by Maj. Gen. Timothy Byers, F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.).
- Maj. Gen. Timothy Byers, F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)* – Chair
- Col. Sal Nodjomian, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)* – Chair-Elect
- Steve Blinderman, P.E., LEED AP, F.SAME
- Capt. Mike Blount, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)*
- Lloyd Caldwell, P.E., F.SAME
- Mercedes Enrique, MBA, F.SAME
- Eddie Gonzalez
- Col. Bill Haight, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- Steven Houser, F.SAME
- Maj. Gen. Ed Jackson, P.E., USA (Ret.)
- Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)*
- Brig. Gen. Paul Owen, P.E., USA (Ret.)
- Dana Otto, WSP
- Sally Riker, F.SAME
- Capt. Bob Schlesinger, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
- Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- Louise Slate
- J.R. Steele, JD
- Susan Thames, F.SAME
- Kathryn Thomas

Ways to Support the SAME Foundation
Individual Donations
A significant portion of the SAME Foundation’s raised funds comes from annual donations by individuals. Make a contribution today and support the nation’s future engineering leaders.
Planned Giving
Include SAME Foundation in your planned giving such as bequest through wills, creating a permanent legacy for yourself within SAME. Contact Kathy Off with questions.
Corporate Campaign
Corporations and organizations, including SAME member companies, may donate to the success of the SAME Foundation and future leaders, with perpetual recognition for your company.
The quality of content far surpassed what I thought would be presented to us. The speakers, the workshops, the time put in from SAME National was impressive. Through the Leader Development Program, understanding how I operate, not only as a leader but as a team member, really helped to form my vision of myself as a leader. I’ve been serving as a Post board members since the late 2000s, and I don’t plan to stop serving. I’d like to lead my Post as President some day and achieve recognition as a Fellow.
Ree Miskimon, 2021 Leader Development Program Class Graduate
Foundation Impact Report
Now seven years into its mission to foster engineering leadership for the nation, the SAME Foundation, with the help of generous donors and sponsors, has increased its reach and influence and advanced programs making an impact across the nation. A vision to discover and nurture the talent necessary to face the country’s many challenges, and keep it in the cutting edge of readiness, has been realized in its successes since inception, with significant progress made towards STEM and leader development.
Current Top Corporate Donors
Thank you to the current top corporate donors of the SAME Foundation. (As of September 2024)

Helping foster engineering leadership for the nation is made possible in part thanks to the generous support of corporate donors at the Diamond Level ($10,000) and above, recognized annually.

Top Individual Donors (Cumulative)
The stewardship policy of the SAME Foundation recognizes individual donors, cumulatively, at the Emerald Level ($5,000) and above. (As of September 2024)
Major General William Black Society ($100,000+)
Diamond Level ($10,000+)
- Mario Burgos
- Maj. Gen. Tim Byers, F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
- Mercedes Enrique, F.SAME
- Jennifer Fogg-Lickteig, F.SAME
- Rear Adm. Mark Handley, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
- Col. John Henderson, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret).
- Carleton Hoffner, F.SAME
- Col. C. Patrick Hogeboom IV, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- Rear Adm. Michael Johnson, P.E., F.SAME, F.ASCE, USN (Ret.0
- Maj. Gen. Eugene Lupia, AIA, P.E., BCEE, F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
- Manish Mardia P.E.
- Rear Adm. David Nash, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USN (Ret.)
- Col. Sal Nodjomian, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
- Jane Penny, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.)
- Harold Rosen, Esq., F.SAME (Dist.)
- Arnold Ross
- Brig. Gen. Joseph Schroedel, P.E., F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- Melissa Smith, F.SAME
- Junjian Tang, FAIA; LEED AP, F.SAME
- Heather Wishart-Smith, P.E., LEED AP, F.ASCE, F.SAME
Emerald Level ($5,000+)
- Regina Babcock
- Christopher Conger
- Col. Patrick Coullahan, P.E, PMP, CEP, CFM, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.)
- Michael Doiel
- Ernest Enrique, P.E.
- Michelle French, F.SAME
- Donald Hall, Ph.D., P.E., F.SAME
- Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, Ph.D., P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
- Col. Miro Kurka, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USA (Ret.)
- Anthony Leketa, P.E., F.SAME (Dist.), SES (Ret.)
- Col. John Mogge, Ph.D., RA, F.SAME (Dist.), USAF (Ret.)
- Avinash Rachmale, P.E.
- Jed Richard, CCM, CGC, LEED AP
- Capt. Robert Schlesinger, P.E., F.SAME, USN (Ret.)
- Dan Schnepf
- Graham Sharpe, P.E.
- Rear Adm. Ronald Silva, P.E., PMP, F.SAME, USCG (Ret.)
- Kenneth Stegall, P.E., F.SAME
- Jessica Travis
- Murphy Tuomey Wilson, F.SAME

Developing Future Engineering Leaders
The SAME Foundation engages the philanthropic community by identifying impactful Society leader development initiatives. Program outcomes present a diversity of impact that ensures the Society endures for the next 100 years.
Leader Development Program
Through support from the SAME Foundation, in 2019 SAME launched the Leader Development Program to identify and cultivate talent from within the Society’s membership to address the nation’s grand challenges. The program supports the development of the next generation of world-class military, government, and industry leaders through a curriculum of hands-on training, study, utilization projects and active engagement in new opportunities.
Engineering & Construction Camps
Working with the network of Posts, volunteers, and sponsors, and support from the SAME Foundation, the Society develops, maintains, and grows a variety of camps to provide in-person experiences to students interested in exploring STEM-related skills and careers. The net outcome is more technical professionals available to meet the nation’s needs
Camp Alumni Scholarships
The SAME Foundation has supported a scholarship program for Engineering & Construction camp alumni. Qualified applicants must have attended an SAME Engineering & Construction Camp, are currently high school seniors preparing to enter college, and will major in engineering, architecture, or an engineering-related field. Learn more about these scholarships.
Camps Mentoring Program
The SAME Foundation supports the participation of members to serve as mentors at the Engineering & Construction Camps. Mentors play a vital role in providing a rigorous and supportive camp experience. By interacting with the campers, their guidance and advice, based on their own experience and education, creates strong bonds that last beyond the camps. Participants are no longer alone in their pursuit of a STEM degree. They know they have someone to count on and get answers or support. This relationship is extremely valuable to their academic and professional trajectory.
Indigenous STEM Program
Designed as a framework for SAME Posts to engage American Indian/Alaska Native communities in STEM, the “We Must Go to Them” project (created through the Leader Development Program) was selected for a grant from the United Engineering Foundation in 2021. The SAME Foundation has furthered its involvement in this important effort by underwriting the cost-match required to conduct pilot activities in Alaska, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Florida.
Additional Resources & Information
Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to the SAME Foundation.
Benefits of gifts of stocks and bonds
- Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction
- Further our mission today
How to make a gift of stocks and bonds
By electronic transfer – Please contact us for instructions on how you can transfer stock or bonds from your brokerage or investment account to the SAME Foundation.
By certified mail – If you hold securities in certificate form, you will need to mail two envelopes separately to complete your gift. In the first envelope, place the unsigned stock certificate(s). In the other envelope, include a signed stock power for each certificate. You may obtain this power from your broker or bank. Please remember to use certified mail.
More on gifts of stocks and bonds
There are special rules for valuing a gift of stock. The value of a charitable gift of stock is determined by taking the mean between the high and low stock price on the date of the gift. Mutual fund shares are valued using the closing price for the fund on the date of the gift.
Contact us
If you have any questions about gifts of stocks and bonds, please contact the Foundation at We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.
The SAME Foundation engages the philanthropic community by identifying Society programs worthy of donor investment. Program outcomes present a diversity of impact that ensures the Society endures for the next 100 years.
Leader Development Program
Through support from the SAME Foundation, in 2019 SAME launched the Leader Development Program (LDP) to identify and cultivate talent from within SAME’s membership to address the nation’s grand challenges. The program supports the development of the next generation of world-class military, government, and industry leaders for the Society and our nation through a curriculum of hands-on training, study, and active engagement in new opportunities. The year-long program begins at JETC and concludes at the following JETC. Learn more about LDP.
View the feature in the November/December TME issue to learn more about the LDP projects.
Engineering & Construction Camps
Working with the network of SAME Posts, volunteers, and sponsors, and support from the SAME Foundation, the Society of American Military Engineers develops, maintains, and grows a variety of camps to provide in-person experiences to students interested in exploring STEM-related skills and careers. The net outcome is more STEM professionals available to meet needs of our nation. Visit the camps webpage to learn more.
Camp Alumni Scholarships
The Foundation supports a scholarship program for Engineering & Construction camp alumni. Qualified applicants must have attended a SAME Engineering & Construction Camp, are currently high-school seniors preparing to enter college, and will major in engineering, architecture, or an engineering-related field.
Camps Mentoring Program
The Foundation supports the participation of SAME members to serve as mentors at the Engineering and Construction camps. Mentors play a vital role in providing a rigorous and supportive camp experience. By interacting with the campers, their guidance and advice, based on their own experience and education, creates strong bonds that last beyond our camps. Participants are no longer alone in their pursuit of a STEM degree. They know they have someone they can contact to get answers or support. This relationship is extremely valuable to their academic and professional trajectory.
Indigenous STEM Program
Designed as a framework for SAME Posts to engage American Indian/Alaska Native communities in STEM, the “We Must Go to Them” project (created through the Leader Development Program) was selected for a grant from the United Engineering Foundation in 2021. The SAME Foundation has furthered its involvement in this important effort by underwriting the cost-match required to conduct pilot activities in Alaska, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Florida.
The Foundation closed the Foundation Donor Campaign on December 31, 2020. Thank you to all those who contributed to the campaign to continue the Foundation’s important work of fostering engineering leadership for the nation.
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2023 SAME Foundation Donor Impact Report

Our nation must have a continuous pipeline of quality engineering and STEM leaders to address these complex national security and infrastructure challenges. The SAME Foundation was specifically created to attack this need by leveraging the charitable capacity of our Society and of engineering and related professions. This is your opportunity to make a difference.
Hal Rosen, F.SAME (Dist.), SAME Foundation President, 2020-2022