Hampton Roads Post Officers

Hampton Roads Post

PresidentMr. John CrossenAFG Group
President ElectCAPT John BerryUSCG
Immediate Past PresidentCAPT Gordon “Tres” MeekUSN NECC
Vice President – MembershipMr. Matthew LiffickCES Consulting, LLC
Vice President – Communications
(i.e. Content Manager and Publicity)
Ms. Kristen SmithPennoni
Vice President – ScholarshipsMs. Amy CheathamUSCG
Vice President – ProgramsMs. Noelle CrowleyAECOM
SecretaryMs. Deborah CohenTetra Tech
TreasurerMs. Beth DrylieMichael Baker
USACEMajor Anthony FunkhouserUSACE Norfolk District
USAFMr. Tim GaffneyUSAF
Small Business RepresentativeMs. Stacey HigginsBurns & McDonnell
Architecture Firm RepresentativeMr. Sean LebelJensen Hughes
Construction Firm RepresentativeMr. Rob SinclairAllan Myers
Engineering Firm RepresentativeMs. Carrie KaneHDR
Non-Commissioned Officer RepresentativeMr. Ray DeeringJMT
SAME Fellows RepresentativeMr. Don YoungMBP
Streamers Coordination ChairMr. John CrossenAFG Group
STEM K-12 ChairMs. Nicole SwartzJohnson, Mimiran & Thompson, Inc.
Resilience ChairMr. Rob SinclairAllan Myers
Construction Camps ChairMr. Adam WalkerUSACE Norfolk District
Accreditation ChairMr. Kelly (Kel) HannumMichael Baker
Community Outreach ChairMr. Steve PerrotRS&H
Student Chapter Advisor (ODU)LTJG Jared DingelNAVFAC MIDLANT
Student Chapter Advisor (VT)TBD
Veterans Outreach ChairMs. Kerstin GebaAECOM
Young Member DirectorMr. Boris GoliBurns & McDonnell
Deputy Young MemberMr. Faraan HamadTetra Tech
Deputy MembershipTBD
Deputy Communications and Content ManagerMs. Dainan GibsonECS Amid-Atlantic LLC
Deputy ScholarshipsTBD
Deputy Program /Event CoordinatorMs. Louise SlateKimley-Horn
Deputy TreasurerMr. Doug RichterTetra Tech
Deputy Small BusinessMs. Tabitha AbnetMSA
Deputy STEM K-12Mr. Ben ReimKimley-Horn
MentoringMr. Mike BrengelBurns & McDonnell
SAME Fellow/National VPMr. Mike DarrowUSACE Norfolk District
SAME FellowMr. Neal WrightSTV
Regional VPMs. Summer GladdenCDM Smith

Do you have an interest in serving in a leadership position for our Post?

We are a very active Chapter and want your help!  Our Mission is:

  • Enhance Industry-Government Engagement
  • Preparing Veterans for the  A/E/C Industry
  • Building Resilience throughout the Country
  • Developing Leaders and Professionals
  • Producing STEM Professionals for the Nation

The SAME  Hampton Roads Post is looking for hardworking volunteers who are interested in serving on and leading the following committees:

  • Programs
  • Deputy Programs
  • Membership
  • Communications
  • Scholarships
  • Deputy Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Member Representative – USN
  • Member Representative – USACE
  • Member Representative – USCG
  • Member Representative – USAF
  • A/E Firm Representative
  • Engineering Firm Representative
  • Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)*
  • Construction Representative
  • K-12 Outreach**
  • Small Business Conference
  • Resiliency**
  • Student Chapter Virginia Tech
  • Student Chapter ODU
  • Construction Camps
  • Streamers
  • Accreditation**
  • Community Projects**
  • Young Members**

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.