Message from the President

Message from Stephanie Heibel
September 2024
Omaha Post –
It is with great honor and excitement that I address you as the President of the SAME Omaha Post. As we embark on this new chapter together, I am committed to building upon the strong foundation laid by my predecessors and driving our organization toward continued growth and success.
As we look to the future, I want to share with you two key priorities that will guide our efforts in the coming year:
- Expanding Our Community: Our strength lies in the diversity and expertise of our members. This year, we will focus on attracting new members to our post, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to our community. I encourage each of you to reach out to colleagues and peers who might benefit from and contribute to our organization. Together, we can create a more vibrant and inclusive SAME Omaha Post.
- Enhancing Organizational Continuity: To ensure the long-term success of our post, we will be implementing a comprehensive documentation process for all leadership positions. This initiative aims to facilitate smooth transitions between outgoing and incoming officers, preserving institutional knowledge and maintaining operational efficiency. By creating clear guidelines and expectations for each role, we can minimize disruptions and set up future leaders for success.
These priorities are designed to not only strengthen our organization but also to enhance the value we provide to each member. By growing our membership, we expand networking opportunities and diversify our collective expertise. Through improved documentation, we ensure that our post continues to operate effectively and serve its members, regardless of leadership changes.
I invite each of you to actively participate in these initiatives. Whether it’s introducing a potential new member to our post or contributing to our documentation efforts, your involvement is crucial to our success.
As we move forward, I am eager to hear your ideas and feedback. Our post’s strength comes from the engagement and dedication of its members, and I am confident that together, we can achieve great things.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the SAME Omaha Post. I look forward to working with all of you in the coming year.
Stephanie Heibel, CF APMP
President, SAME Omaha Post

Message from Ryan Watzke
April 2024
Omaha Post –
It is time to update our SAME Omaha Post By-Laws (our By-Laws are to be reviewed and updated, if necessary, every three years). Your SAME Omaha Post Board of Directors and I have prepared and approved an updated copy of our SAME Omaha Post By-Laws that can be accessed via our website at the following location.
SAME Omaha Post By-Laws for Review
Per our SAME Omaha Post By-Laws, all Omaha Post members have an opportunity to review these by-laws and provide comment (if any) for fifteen (15) days. We are asking all Post members, if they desire to do so, to review our recommended SAME Omaha Post By-Laws and provide any comments directly to me at by May 2nd, 2024 upon which we will finalize the By-Laws and submit them to National.
Ryan Watzke
Omaha Post President 2023-2024

Message from Ryan Watzke
July 2023
Omaha Post –
What an honor to be serve as the President of our Omaha Post! Congratulations to Natasha Gromak, her Board of Directors and all the Post leadership for a highly successful year leading our Omaha Post. We accomplished so much in 2022-2023 including continuing to grow our Industry Day Event (record registration in 2023), another successful Student Mentoring Program competition, deepening our Student Chapter relationships with the University of Nebraska system and starting a new chapter at Metro Community College, volunteering with Project Healing Waters, successfully sponsoring two new Fellows for our Post, and so much more.
The list of achievements in the past twelve months is extremely impressive. Well done to all! The old adage is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. That certainly applies to our Omaha Post. Our Post is built on such a rich tradition of excellence, well before my involvement in Post activities, achieving the highest recognition from SAME National year after year. Our Board of Director’s focus in 2023-2024 will include measures to ensure this level of excellence is easily achieved annually well after our year of service. Natasha focused on widening the group of volunteers in our Post and involving young members in meaningful roles.
This will continue to be one of our focuses in 2023-2024 as reinvigorating our Post leadership with new, fresh ideas is essential for continual improvement. We will also focus on identifying clear succession planning for each our key Post leaders and discuss methods for the development of new leaders into Board of Director roles. In addition to solidifying our succession planning and leader development, we will also look to grow our Veteran Outreach initiatives and increase our Industry Government Engagement (IGE). While we are active in both these areas, small additions to these programs will provide meaningful impact to our community. It is extremely exciting to lead our Omaha Post, one of the strongest Posts in SAME in my humble, very partial opinion. Our Board of Directors will meet in the coming weeks and finalized our objectives for the next twelve months. Look for my next message where I will highlight the outcomes we look to achieve in 2023-2024.
Ryan Watzke
Omaha Post President 2023-2024
Message from Natasha Gromak
July 2022

Hello Omaha Post,
First, congratulations to COL Mark Himes, who served as Omaha Post President for July 2021 – July 2022, and his strong board for being recognized as a Sustaining Post for another year. I am very honored to be selected to serve as the SAME Omaha Post President this year and to continue this great work. I have been involved in the Omaha Post since Woolpert encouraged me to join in 2004. The SAME Omaha Post has provided me with an extensive professional network and the opportunity to serve the Omaha community with its longtime Student Mentoring Program (SMP), which is active in many local middle and high schools. Initially, I served the Post as the Scholarships and Camps Chairperson, then as Secretary and now as President.
During my year as President, I would like to widen our base of Post volunteers and get younger members involved. If you haven’t had the opportunity to be on a committee or serve on our board, I would encourage you to do so. Especially with so many of us working remotely these days, the SAME Omaha Post is a great way to stay involved with our community and to reap the benefits of this professional organization. Dave Packard, Bobbi Jo Lang, and Stephanie Ling have been working hard to strengthen our Student Chapters, and we have added chapters at both the University of Nebraska Lincoln and Metro Community College. Rob Hufford has formed a strong alliance with Project Healing Waters, and the Post supports their multiple veteran fly-fishing events annually. Rob is also looking into other ways the Post can support veterans.
There are so many ways for each of us to contribute to the SAME Omaha Post mission. If you are interested in getting more involved, please reach out to me or another board member. We would love for you to join us!
Natasha Gromak
Omaha Post President 2022-2023

Message from Col. Mark R. Himes
October 2021
Hello…from your new Post President. I assumed responsibility as the Omaha Post President this past summer and it is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve our Society in this role. I want to thank Anne Peterson for her outstanding leadership over the last year as she kept our organization focused on its important mission during an extremely challenging and dynamic period. There is no better engineering community than ours represented in the Omaha area and I am excited about the future. I look forward to working with the Board, Committee members, and our outstanding membership to continue the important work of our great organization.
I currently serve as the District Commander and District Engineer for the Omaha District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I previously served with the Omaha District about 10 years ago working Military Construction at Fort Carson during the big MILCON Transformation/Grow the Army programs. It is wonderful to be back in Omaha, to see many familiar faces, and to have the opportunity to meet many new folks. As a longtime member of SAME and having served in several leadership positions in other Posts throughout my career, I am thrilled to be a member of this great Omaha Post.
Our strong SAME history is built on good communication, sustaining relationships with the military and private industry engineering communities, and developing future leaders. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic which has tested our resilience, the Omaha Post is thriving, and together, we will meet these challenges head on. I will be listening to the board and committee members for their ideas this year, but I also encourage members to come forward and become more involved with Post activities.
I encourage everyone to take time to participate in the many special events happening across our Post. We just completed the SAME Omaha Post 2021 Industry Day and Golf Outing with over 500 attendees joining for several days of government/industry program updates, technical presentations, a Small Business workshop, and lots of networking opportunities. We continue our monthly member meetings in a hybrid fashion enabling both in-person and virtual participation for our 800+ members. The Omaha Post continues veterans outreach partnering with Project Healing Waters to provide local fly-fishing events in the metro area. Finally, our student mentoring program with area middle and high schools remains strong. There are many opportunities to get involved and we’re always looking for volunteers to help with these events.
I want to acknowledge the tremendous work of all the committee members and volunteers that helped plan, coordinate, and execute a tremendously successful Post Industry Day. A job well done by all! Stay tuned here at our website and our social media accounts for updated information on the many upcoming events and other volunteer opportunities.
Stay safe as we enter the upcoming winter season.
COL Mark R Himes
Omaha Post President 2021-2022
Message from Anne Peterson, RLA
March 1, 2021
From my understanding of SAME core principles, resilience is one of the key elements. SAME was founded on the need to develop a network of key industries and personnel to aid the nation in times of crises and other emergencies. Developing strategies to not only cope with these events, but to thrive is the meaning of resilience. The COVID -19 pandemic has tested our resilience in many ways and hopefully we are learning to continue our mission and to improve our services.
One of our strategies is to provide insightful and knowledgeable presentations during our Post’s General Meetings. We have been holding those meetings virtually for almost a year and have been pleased to see good attendance with positive feedback. We intend to continue these virtual meetings until it is safe to meet in person, as directed by National. We are working on arranging another USACE update for our May meeting. If weather and pandemic outlooks are looking good, we are also working on a golf outing or other social outdoor event.
We are also evaluating Industry Day events, which for now, are planned for the first week in October. The organizing committee is meeting soon to discuss this, so an update will be coming soon. We are always looking for opportunities to increase our Industry/Government engagement. We welcome suggestions on programs toward this goal.
When the pandemic struck early last year, we were well into our annual Student Mentoring Program (SMP), with the competition scheduled for April last year. Since we had to quickly switch to virtual, the teams submitted their proposals but were not able to do presentations. We were happy to have the submissions we received and proud of our teams, mentors, judges and other volunteers for their efforts. This year, the teams have all been working virtually with their teachers and mentors. It has been challenging, especially since each school system had different approaches to class attendance and restricted activities. Our teachers and mentors have made a heroic effort to keep their teams progressing. This year, they will not only provide their proposals but will also give virtual presentations to our judges. We are so proud of all of them and of our volunteers and sponsors that keep this program going. This is the 27th year for this program and we want it to continue to have a long life of immersing students into STEM fields.
Our Veterans Outreach is another effort near and dear to us. We heard a presentation and virtually toured the newly opened Fisher House on the Omaha Veterans Administration Campus. It provides lodging and hospitality for veterans’ families while being treated at the VA hospital. Our Post donated to the House and we hope to provide some volunteer dinners and other support when feasible.
With the promise of spring and vaccines, we are looking forward to better days ahead. We pray for the health and safety of all our members and their loved ones, as well as friends and neighbors. We continue to look for ways to be of service and to be resilient during these times.
Anne Peterson, RLA
Omaha Post President 2020-2021
Message from Anne Peterson, RLA
October 1, 2020
As we reflect on this time period in the future, instead of starting out with “once upon a time”, we might be telling our story beginning with “in the time of Covid”. As our response to this pandemic colors a lot of our actions, it has also necessitated adjustments to our Omaha Post activities. We had two excellent general meetings going live and virtual. We realized that there was still a need to keep these virtual, so we plan on having all of meetings that way until the end of the year and then reassess. Hopefully, you are logging on to these meetings, because they have been interesting and valuable. At our upcoming October 6th meeting, we have invited guest from the Public Sector to join us to hear Eric Williams, OPPD Board member, to present “Clean Energy, Local Power”.
Our Student Mentoring Program, SMP, is forging forward and we are creating additional paths and means to reach out to our middle school and high school teams. We are so fortunate to have dedicated teachers and mentors that find this important enough to add it to their busy schedules. We’ve been connecting with UNO to still have workshops (virtually) and we appreciate that strong support. Thank you to all of our Post members that support this program and our scholarship program. These efforts are even more important to keep our connection with our future peers and members.
We have had to cancel some of our wonderful Veterans’ Outreach events, such as the Fly Fishing events with Project Healing Waters. Hopefully, we may be able to continue these events next summer. We are strongly supportive of this Outreach and are looking for additional ways to support, including connecting with the newly constructed Fisher House on the Veteran’s Administration campus. Stay tuned for a call for volunteers once we figure out how we can help. Any other suggestions for veteran support are always appreciated.
Being involved in SMP for so many years, I’ve always felt the support of the Omaha Post. But now, serving as President, I have a greater understand of just how strong that support is and the benefits of being part of a national organization. I am amazed at all the resources available to us as SAME member not only through our Post but through SAME National. You can enhance your career and interests by joining a Community of Interest (COI) – there are so many to choose from. You can definitely network with the thousands of members to find common interest or expertise. You can show off your company or your projects by participating in our Post’s Spotlight feature during General Meetings, or giving a presentation. I encourage you to fully participate in all your membership offers. We, as a Post, will continue to provide as much value as we can, especially “in the time of Covid”.
Anne Peterson, RLA
Omaha Post President 2020-2021
Message from Anne Peterson, RLA
July 1, 2020
Through the trials of this pandemic, our Omaha Post continues to meet the challenges. The leadership Chris Langan showed through his term was exemplary and inspired the Post Board of Directors and Leadership to adapt and thrive. I sincerely thank him for the example he set and hope to carry forward the goals we’ve planned for another successful year.
We already had our first Virtual General Meeting on June 11th. The next meeting will be held as a Live/Virtual event on July 7th at the Field Club. Along with our guest speaker, our honored guests will include BG D. Peter Helmlinger, Col. John Hudson and Col. Mark Himes because of the USACE Omaha District change of command the next day.
Because of the continued pandemic concern, the Omaha Post Industry Day is delayed until May 2021. There will be more detailed information about that in upcoming communications. Our Student Mentoring Program will continue on and we will adapt it as needed to work with the adjustments our schools are making. We happily awarded trophies and monetary prizes from the Post and our Sponsors to the winning teams. Through positive feedback from our participating teachers, we hope to have another great year for this program.
Although some of our traditional events have been cancelled or delayed, we are always looking for ways to reach out to our membership and provide the networking and value that you’ve come to expect. If you have any ideas about events or would like to participate on a committee, please contact us.
Anne Peterson, RLA
SAME-Omaha Post President 2020-2021

Message from Chris Langan, P.E.
April 15, 2020
This is not the way I thought my term as Post President would end. I had envisioned these last months filled with Student Mentoring Presentation and Awards, the energy from the Omaha Post’s Industry Day and celebrations for both the 80th Omaha Post Anniversary and 100th SAME Anniversary. Instead our routines and world has been every evolving around this pandemic and those public events postponed or canceled.
I would like to thank the Omaha Post Board of Directors and Leadership for going above and beyond to adapt during this challenging time. We have been given this challenge and are finding ways to continue post operations.
The Student Mentoring Program is continuing on, the students involved and mentors have worked hard on their projects and deserve some closure. The competition will be judged solely on written reports. When operations allow we will present the winning schools with their awards and recognition.
The Omaha Post Industry Day is not canceled but postponed until October. It is always a challenge to host an all-volunteer event for over 500 participants I can only imagine what the Committee had to go through to reschedule while dealing with this pandemic. Thank you all for getting that done.
We did get a chance to Celebrate the Post’s 80th Anniversary at the March General meeting with cake. The membership committee send out a wonderful note on our actual 80th Anniversary date.
The Board and Leadership are working on ways to assure that the Post’s General Meeting in June will take place, so look for more information as that date gets closer.
In June/July of each year we have our change of officers and committees, we are always looking for fresh ideas and perspectives. If you or someone in your company has a desire to contribute the Omaha Post Board, please let us know.
Lastly, I want to thank you all for your contributions to the Omaha Post and all the great things we are accomplishing.
Chris Langan, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2019-2020
Message from Chris Langan, P.E.
March 17, 2020
Omaha Post and Guests,
I hope your family, your companies and you are managing through this COVID-19 Pandemic as best we can.
SAME and the Omaha Post have been monitoring and evaluating this ever-evolving situation with health and safety as our top priority. The work that SAME members, partners, and stakeholders do is vital to national security, and building relationships and trust through their interactions in the Society is a critical part of how they do it. However, right now the focus needs be on containing the spread of coronavirus in an effort to shorten its duration. Reducing community spread and limiting in-person gatherings are necessary approaches to take.
With that in mind below are some key updates regarding upcoming events.
April General Membership Meeting
Given the latest messages from state and local governments along with consultation from the Field Club, we are canceling the April General Membership Meeting.
Student Mentoring Program (SMP) Competition
With school districts closed and limits on public gatherings, the Omaha Post is cancelling the April 16th Competition Day and Awards Ceremony. The SMP team is currently evaluating if written proposals can be submitted and teams judged on them with awards later. The SMP leaders will be working directly with the SMP partners as this develops.
2020 Omaha Post Industry Day
The 2020 Omaha Post Industry Day & Golf Outing will be POSTPONED until October of this year. We are working on a few details and will have an exact date for you soon. If you have already paid for this event, your information will automatically transfer to our October date. This includes all registrations for Industry Day, exhibitor booth purchases, sponsorships, golf outing, CQM and RMS training classes, and special event purchases. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. However, if you would like to cancel any of your registrations, sponsorships, etc., we will issue full refunds with no penalties. Please contact Jackie Olsommer with your cancellation request.
The Omaha Post wants to thank you for your understanding during these unprecedented circumstances where containing the spread of coronavirus is critical. If you have questions or concerns please contact any of the Board Members or Post President Chris Langan. Please stay safe and remember we are all in this pandemic together, and we will get through it.
Chris Langan, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2019-2020
Message from Chris Langan, P.E.
January 8, 2020
Omaha Post and Guests,
What a year 2019 was. It is hard to think back and not reflect on the flooding, our hearts are still with those impacted by the water. Our thanks go out the post members, district members and contractors that continue to repair, manage and mitigate the damage done by that disaster. I was extremely proud of the response by the Omaha Post when Nebraska Emergency Management Agency asked for our help.
Other notable accomplishments of the Post include, supporting Project Healing Waters, the Post served lunch and provided support for these events that support disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans. The Post also continued the Student Mentoring Program (SMP) inspiring and guiding middle school and high school students through a yearlong Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. (STEM) project. The Omaha Post also supported student posts at UNO and UNL campuses and provided of $16,000 in scholarship and camp funding to aspiring young professionals.
These accomplishments and events show the Omaha Post and Society is more than a professional organization and I am excited about what 2020 will bring. 2020 is monumental year for the Society and Post, SAME is celebrating 100-year anniversary and Omaha Post is celebrating 80-year anniversary. We are planning some exciting anniversary celebration events at SMP, Industry Day and throughout the year. If you would like to be a part of planning, coordinating or any of other opportunities that the Post offers please contact one of the Board members.
Chris Langan, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2019-2020
Message from Chris Langan, P.E.
October 19, 2019
Omaha Post and Guests,
Happy New Year, well federal fiscal year. Those doing business in the federal contracting arena know what a crunch and hectic time September can be leading up the end of one fiscal year and start of the next. The government is issuing and reviewing task orders while fighting for funds and the private contracting side in submitting on task orders make for a very busy time of year.
As a Society we strive to bring all sides of government contracting together and interact in hopes that this process is smoother for all. As a member of this society I would like to take a moment to review some of the opportunities the Omaha Post offers to help you through this process.
At the Omaha Post Industry Day, we recruit government agencies to present and share with us their upcoming project so that members can prepare for and provide a quality submittal. At our December general meeting we will have an Omaha District USACE program update of what is coming in FY20.
For sustaining members, we offer the opportunity to present a brief overview of your company and services provided at our general meetings. With government and potential teaming partners in attendance this opportunity provides great potential to grow a sustaining members business.
The Society has teamed up with other professional organizations to offer our members over 1,400 different courses for Personal Career Development. No matter what area of the A/E/C community you’re in SAME can help you meet your professional goals and licensing requirements. See the SAME Career Development Center for a list of opportunities.
Please make sure you are taking full advantage of your membership. If you know of others that may benefit from these opportunities, please point them to the Omaha Post and help us meet our 100 for 100 Membership Goal.
Chris Langan, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2019-2020
Message from Chris Langan, P.E.
July 1, 2019
Omaha Post and Guests,
Many thanks to COL John L Hudson and the Omaha Post Leadership Board for their service this past year. Through their guidance the Omaha Post was recognize as a SAME Distinguished Post and accomplished many wonderful things. With our members support the Omaha Post accomplishes some great things in the community such as awarding scholarships to college students and helping support veteran events with Project Healing Waters. The Omaha Post also has a nationally recognized Student Mentoring Program that has worked with over 6.000 middle and high school students over its history. Early 2019 seen some challenges also with natural disasters in the area, when Nebraska Emergency Management Agency needed help, Omaha Post members answered the call and provided assistance during the flood event. As a post we also provide continuing education opportunities throughout the year with constant networking and interaction between government and industry.
I highlight these amazing things the post has done because, we could not do these without the support of our members and Sustaining Member Firms. If you have not participated in these events, I suggest you talk to someone who has and consider helping, they truly are fun and meaningful events. One of my goals for the next year will be connect with our sustain member firms and determine how we can support to each other to continue this great work our Society and Post do.
We truly are a diverse group of professionals and 2020 will mark the Society’s centennial year and the Omaha Posts 80th anniversary, both key milestones that will be celebrated throughout the year both nationally and at our Post level. Please look for more information on these celebrations.
Thank you for this opportunity to serve the Omaha Post and I look forward to talking with you at one of events over the next year.
Thank you again for all that you do to serve our Nation and make our Post successful; we cannot be successful without each of you. I look forward to seeing you soon at a monthly meeting.
Chris Langan, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2019-2020

Message from COL L. Hudson
August 6, 2018
Greetings and Welcome!
First, we owe a huge THANK YOU to last year’s Post President Ms. Cybil Boss and the Executive Board for their outstanding leadership, dedication, and service to the Omaha Post. Our “Distinguished Post” continues to thrive thanks to the efforts of leaders like Cybil, our many volunteer board/committee members, our industry partners, our public entities, and military involvement. Cybil adeptly brought this diverse team together to achieve amazing results again last year… an accomplishment for which we can all be proud. Also, I’d like to thank our group of distinguished SAME Fellows who so actively support and participate in SAME mentorship, education, training, and professional development programs; sharing their experience, insight, and enthusiasm with our team to the great benefit of our Post. The success of the past year and engagement of our membership is a testament to our leadership and executive team. Thank you again for your commitment and service!
The Omaha Post is proud to be a part of our Society’s rich history and tradition as we approach SAME’s centennial anniversary in 2020. In July 2018, we marked the beginning of service for a new group of Post leaders. The Executive Board and I are committed to continue to offer informative and engaging monthly programs that serve to attract and connect our public and private sector members and support Young Member engagement, while providing opportunities for continuing education credits.
We have one of the most comprehensive and mature STEM Student Mentoring Programs in the Nation. Our mentoring program is a treasure for the Omaha community and an enduring legacy of our Post. This year, the Omaha Post’s Student Mentoring Program (SMP) will celebrate 25 years of engineering outreach in the Omaha community. The SMP has had a significant impact encouraging talented youth to pursue engineering in college and seek out public and private sector engineering careers. We have added two middle schools and two high schools to our program so the need for mentors has grown. We have also lost a few of our mentors due to job changes. I encourage all Omaha Post members to consider volunteering as a mentors or sponsors and get involved in this outstanding program.
We are a society of professionals; architects, engineers, scientists, builders, entrepreneurs, public servants, and service members. We are unique, and we are only successful because of the proactive engagement with each other as a society for the common good of our profession and our Nation. Our “value proposition” for our members, as well as our prospective members, is the essence of why we serve. It is incumbent for all of us to understand why it is important to give back to our profession; why it is important to take a proactive role in mentoring future engineers and scientists; why it is important to give back to the communities that enable our success in many ways, and why a strong, collaborative public/private/academic/military network is so important to the enduring success of our Nation. So as we continue to strive to make our network strong, to make our contributions relevant, and to make our investments of time and treasure value-added to our Nation and to our members, we should also take time to remind ourselves of the value of belonging to SAME and our role as members in creating this value.
Thank you again for all that you do to serve our Nation and make our Post successful; we cannot be successful without each of you. I look forward to seeing you soon at a monthly meeting.
Most Respectfully,
COL John L Hudson, P.E., USA
Omaha Post President 2018-2019

Message from Cybil Boss, P.E
July 11, 2017
Greetings and Welcome!
July 2017 marked the beginning of service for a new group of leaders for the Society of American Military Engineers Omaha Post. My name is Cybil Boss, and it is my distinct honor to serve as the Omaha Post President for the coming year.
On behalf of the Omaha Post membership, we extend our sincere thanks to Past President COL John H. Henderson (Ret.) and his team for their exemplary leadership over the past year. The Post has experienced growth in small business programs, expanded networking opportunities in the area of engineering outreach, and identified new leaders for the Executive Board – all while executing another year of top tier programs for our membership. The success of the past year and engagement of our membership is a testament to our leadership and executive team. Thank you again for your commitment and service!
The next few years are an exciting time for SAME as we approach the Society’s Centennial anniversary in 2020. The Omaha Post is proud to be a part of our Society’s rich history and tradition. Part of that tradition includes providing value programs and opportunities for our members, and the coming year will be no exception. The Omaha Post will continue to offer monthly programs that serve to attract and connect our public and private sector members and support Young Member engagement, while providing opportunities for continuing education credits.
The Omaha Post has a storied tradition with our Student Mentoring Program (SMP), which is closing in on 30 years of engineering outreach in the Omaha community. Programs like the SMP are invaluable to ensure talented youth choose engineering in college, and fill the positions that public and private sector organizations will need in the future. The Omaha Post will have numerous opportunities for our members to get involved and support this program, either through mentors, volunteers, or sponsorship.
If you haven’t been to a Post meeting in a while, please join us ‐ it’s a great time to be part of the Omaha Post! Hope to see you soon at a monthly meeting.
Cybil Boss, P.E.
Omaha Post President 2017-2018

Message from COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
May 22, 2017
Congratulations on another successful year of our Student Mentoring Program (SMP), Industry Day, and Golf Tournament. Our team of public and private partners continues to collaborate to address significant challenges, build a strong network of professional relationships, and develop the next generation of engineers through outreach and mentoring. All of this done in support of the enduring strength of our Nation and in a manner that is simply exemplary. It is truly humbling to serve with such a dedicated team of professionals. We were also honored this year to have our SAME Executive Director, BG (Ret) Joe Schroedel, in attendance for our Industry Day.
We took the opportunity to conduct a SAME POD-Cast that you can access here.
On behalf of the entire Post, we’d like to especially thank all of our committee leaders, volunteers, sponsors, presenters, and facilitators who made our SAME-Omaha programs so successful this spring. Please know that your donations of your personal time, talents, and energy to ensure our success is greatly appreciated. Bill Glismann (HGM) and Ann Peterson (HDR) once again did a phenomenal job leading the SMP through its 23rd year with a lot of help from a great team. Chris Langan (LRA, Inc) and Deb Ash (B2 Environmental, Inc), along with a very high-performing committee, expertly took the reins for Industry Day activities this year. Industry Day posted record numbers for attendees and revenue. Thanks also to Jason Byler (Olsson Associates) and his team for hosting a professionally-run Golf Tournament.
Congratulations to our award recipients this spring. Cybil Boss (AECOM) was awarded the Regional Vice President Medal by Ms. Jackie Hacker (HDR), and Bill Glismann (HGM) was awarded the Doug Plack Golden Eagle Award by Bill Stutz (S&A Environmental Consulting) and Randy Peterson (Bhate). Both awards were presented at Industry Day.
Also, please join me in congratulating our scholarship recipients and summer engineer camp attendees (listed below). Thanks to your support, we presented $11,160 in scholarships and camp registration fees this year. Special thanks also to Adam Plack (USACE) for his exceptional leadership to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists.
- The $2,000 Senior Scholarship was renewed by Grayson Harvey, a junior at Iowa State University studying Mechanical Engineering.
- The $2,000 Junior Scholarship was renewed by Mark Wathen, a sophomore at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology studying Mechanical Engineering.
- A new $2,000 Junior Scholarship was awarded to Kelly Weiler, a sophomore at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln studying Civil Engineering with a Spanish minor.
- The $1,000 Sophomore Scholarship was renewed by Vincent Hunter, a freshman at the University of Southern Illinois studying Architecture and Construction Management.
- The $1,000 Freshman Scholarship was awarded to Sarah Villarreal, a senior from Marian High School who will be attending either Creighton University or the USAF Academy to study Chemical Engineering.
- The Omaha Post’s Doug Plack scholarship is a renewable scholarship for a maximum of $6,000 over three years for an upperclassmen college student. This is the third and final year the Doug Plack scholarship recipient continued to meet the scholarship requirements, so his scholarship was renewed. The winner was Jacob Quint, a senior at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln studying Mechanical Engineering.
- Both of our summer camp nominees have been selected to attend the SAME USAFA Camp on June 26 – July 2, 2017 at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. The Black Hills Field Post’s nominee is Matthew McGillick, a sophomore from St. Thomas More High School in Rapid City, SD. The Omaha Post’s nominee is Sebastian Baillie, a junior from Lincoln East High School. The Omaha Post funded the $580 registration fee for each camper.
I look forward to seeing you all at our June meeting where our keynote speaker is Kyle Schneweis (Director of the Nebraska Department of Roads) who will talk about the “Transportation Innovation Act”. We will be promoting our Public Service members this month and installing our 2017-2018 officers. Please “bring a friend” next month; we have a great program lined up for all.
Thanks again to everyone for a successful series of events this spring. Your dedication to our profession has had a significant and lasting positive impact for our team and for our nation.
Most respectfully,
COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
Omaha Post President 2016-2017
Message from COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
February 20, 2017
Happy National Engineers Week!
While there are many definitions of an engineer, its very essence is the application of our technical expertise to solving problems. By this definition, we are all engineers, dreamers, innovators, and problem solvers regardless of our chosen career field. This is an opportunity for The Society of American Engineers (SAME) to celebrate our history, our profession, and our shared commitment to serving our Nation.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kandi Srb and Dan Taylor who received the “President’s Award” at our Annual Engineers Week Banquet sponsored by the Engineer Round Table at the UNO Campus last week. Kandi works for HDR and currently serves as our Vice President for Professional Development and Personal Growth and has made significant contributions to our Post over the years through our Professional Development Programs, Scholarships, Industry Days, and Mentoring. Dan is the Owner of AMI Environmental and this year he has been active as a member of the National Small Business Council and very proactive in providing training venues, socials, and roundtable discussions to better network our small businesses with large sustaining member businesses.
The celebration of National Engineers Week was started in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers in conjunction with President George Washington’s Birthday. President Washington is commonly considered the Nation’s first engineer. George Washington appointed the first engineer officers of the Army on June 16, 1775, during the American Revolution, and engineers have served in combat in all subsequent American wars. The Army established the Corps of Engineers as a separate, permanent branch on March 16, 1802, and gave the engineers responsibility for founding and operating the U.S. Military Academy at West Point… and the rest is history.
The over 30,000 members of the SAME leads collaborative efforts to identify and resolve national security infrastructure-related challenges. Founded in 1920, SAME unites public and private sector individuals and organizations from across the architecture, engineering, construction, environmental and facility management, cyber security, project planning, contracting and acquisition, and related disciplines in support of national security.
Engineers Week is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies who are dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future technical workforce. Each year, this coalition reaches out to thousands of schools, businesses, and community groups to emphasize the importance of technical education, inform students about STEM-related careers, provide scholarships, and inspire them to dream, innovate, design, create, and build a bright future for our world.
Thanks to everyone from across all of our professions who pull together as a team to engineer solutions to our Nation’s most challenging and complex problems. Thanks also to all of you who have volunteered your time to advance our professions and inspire our youth through the Student Mentoring Program, summer camps, scholarships, awards, student chapters, mentoring, STEM programs, Industry Days, and outreach events sponsored by the SAME Omaha Post. Your actions have real and lasting positive impacts on our associated professions, our future teammates, and our Nation.
Thanks for all you do.
Very Respectfully,
COL John W. Henderson, P.E., US
Message from COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
January 13, 2017
On Monday, January 16th, we will celebrate Martin Luther King Day in honor of the life and legacy of a truly great American. This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to reflect on our own character as well as the collective character of our profession.
Dr. King is an exceptional role model for all who are dedicated to serving our Nation, to include members of the Society of American Military Engineers. We have a lot in common as committed professionals who choose a life of service, contributing our talents for the betterment of our Nation, and building strong teams which are founded on trust and respect for each other. We all chose to serve something bigger than ourselves; a Nation which continues to strive for freedom, justice, equality, opportunity, and tolerance for men and women everywhere – regardless of race, creed, gender, or national origin.
The strength of our team, and therefore our ability to continue accomplishing our missions well, is derived from the mutual respect that we have for our teammates. This mutual respect is based on trust, which is a function of our consistently demonstrated actions to be people of good character, committed to our mutual success, striving for a high level of competence in our chosen profession. This is important because it lies at the foundation of everything that we do as a profession, as SAME members, and ultimately as a Nation.
Dr. King’s legacy inspires us all to be better humans and therefore to be a stronger team and a better Nation. Dr. King believed so strongly in this that he continued advocating for the civil rights and fair treatment of all at the risk of his own life. I’d humbly ask that we all take some time to honor his life by reflecting on our own humanity and character, recommitting ourselves to our mission, and finding a sense of purpose in serving something bigger than ourselves.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for all your selfless contributions to the Society of American Military Engineers, and that you for your continued partnership. Please know that you are appreciated.
Most Respectfully,
COL John W. Henderson, P.E., US
Message from COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
December 21, 2016
On behalf of SAME Officer and Board Members, please accept our sincere wishes for a relaxing and safe holiday season. This is an excellent time of year for all of us to reflect on our accomplishments as a team, to reflect on those things that are most important to each of us, and to celebrate our Families, our freedoms, our communities, and our traditions. We are very thankful for your participation in SAME, for your unparalleled support to our many programs, and for your contributions to promote and facilitate engineering support for our Nation.
We have a lot for which to be thankful this year; a few of the highlights are listed below.
- Congratulations our teammates who earned several awards this past year to include Ben Nixa (Student Chapter Rising Star Award), Rob Hufford, Mike Huffstetler, and Brian Schuele (Omaha Post Rising Stars), Mike Baldino (Doug Plack Golden Eagle Award), Justin Shillerberg, Joe Shields, and Jodi Vaccaro (Omaha Post President’s Award), Tony Kraus (Public Sector Partnering Award), and Dan Taylor (Post Small Business Liaison Officer Award).
- Congratulations to Dave Packard and Lt. Col. Gary Krupa (Ret.) who were approved for induction into the SAME Academy of Fellows this year. This places them in a special category of The Society’s membership, recognizing their efforts over the years on behalf of The Society and the engineering profession. They will be formally inducted into the Academy of Fellows at the annual Investiture Ceremony.
- Congratulations to our scholarship winners this year – Jacob Quint ($2K), Natan Ritterling ($2K), and Allan Cramblitt ($2K). Additionally, a new needs-based scholarship has been established by the Omaha Post. The scholarship will be offered annually to a graduating high school senior and will be in the amount of $2K. Thanks to all for your generous contributions to our scholarship funds each year, and special thanks to the Doug Plack Memorial Scholarship Fund for their generous contributions to this endeavor.
- Congratulations to the Omaha Post for meeting the criteria to win the following Streamer Awards with Distinction in 2015: Education and Training, Leadership and Mentoring, and Relationships and Recognition. We also won Streamer Awards for Emergency Preparedness and Infrastructure Resilience, and Membership. As a result of these awards, the Omaha Post was recognized as a Distinguished Post!
- Thanks to everyone who facilitated a number of events last year to foster great relationships within our profession and our community. Some of these included co-hosting the Engineer’s Week Banquet, sponsoring a very successful 2015 Industry Day and Golf Tournament, completing another amazing year in our Student Mentoring Program, and facilitating the 2016 Large-Small Business Mentorship Roundtable Discussion.
Thank you again for all that you do to serve our Nation and make our Post successful; we certainly could not be successful without each of you. Happy Holidays, and best to you and yours for a very successful New Year!
Most Respectfully,
COL John W. Henderson, P.E., US
Message from COL John W. Henderson, P.E., USA
August 11, 2016
First, we owe a huge THANK YOU to Mr. Dave Packard for his leadership, dedication, and service to the Omaha Post over this past year while serving as our Post President. Our “Distinguished Post” continues to thrive thanks to the efforts of leaders like Dave, our many volunteer board/committee members, our industry partners, our public entities, and military involvement. Dave adeptly brought this diverse team together to achieve amazing results again last year… an accomplishment for which we can all be proud. Also, I’d like to thank our group of distinguished SAME Fellows who so actively support and participate in SAME mentorship, education, training, and professional development programs; sharing their experience, insight, and enthusiasm with our team to the great benefit of our Post. I would also like to take this opportunity congratulate Capt. Michael Blount, USN (Ret) for being sworn in as the new National President of SAME, and Ms. Jackie Hacker for being inducted as our Regional Vice President.
The SAME Omaha Post is special and unique in many ways. We can all be inspired by the sense of volunteerism, the hard work, and the many contributions made by our membership back to the community of Omaha and to the profession of engineering. We have a very strong network of trusted industry partners, technical experts, public entities, and military engineers who are committed to selflessly serving our Nation in order to collaboratively find solutions to our national security infrastructure challenges. This collaborative network of professionals exists because of your involvement, engagement, and support to the SAME Omaha Post; please accept my personal gratitude for all that you do to make this an organization that is value added for our members, for our profession, for the people that we serve, and ultimately for our Nation.
We have one of the most comprehensive and mature STEM Student Mentoring Programs in the Nation. This is certainly a treasure for the Omaha community and an enduring legacy of our Post. We have engineering professionals serving in our organizations now who were students in our mentorship programs 20 years ago; who attended engineering camps sponsored by us; who received scholarships from us to earn engineering degrees; who now serve our profession and our Nation. I’d ask that we all evaluate our capacity to ensure that this program continues to thrive and endures to produce another generation of engineering professionals who possess a sense of patriotism and service to our Nation.
We are a society of professionals; architects, engineers, scientists, builders, entrepreneurs, public servants, and service members. We are unique, and we are only successful because of the proactive engagement with each other as a society for the common good of our profession and our Nation. Our “value proposition” for our members, as well as our prospective members, is the essence of why we serve. It is incumbent for all of us to understand why it is important to give back to our profession; why it is important to take a proactive role in mentoring future engineers and scientists; why it is important to give back to the communities that enable our success in many ways, and why a strong, collaborative public/private/academic/military network is so important to the enduring success of our Nation. So as we continue to strive to make our network strong, to make our contributions relevant, and to make our investments of time and treasure value-added to our Nation and to our members, we should also take time to remind ourselves of the value of belonging to SAME and our role as members in creating this value.
Finally, we enjoy phenomenal external relationships with our field chapter in Rapid City, our Student Chapters at Iowa State, UNL, and UNO, our academic and military partners, our sister SAME posts in the region, and with our National HQs. Our new executive director, BG(Ret) Joe Schroedel, is serving as an agent for change with a new SAME National Strategic Plan as well as the establishment of the SAME Foundation. As a Distinguished Post, we should aspire to embrace the positive changes that are ongoing in our organization nationally, continue to be leaders in our profession, and continue to foster these very important external relationships.
Thank you again for all that you do to serve our Nation and make our Post successful; we certainly could not be successful without each of you.
Most Respectfully,
COL John W. Henderson, P.E., US
Communities of Interest
SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.