Mobile Post Young Professionals

Post Young Professionals

The Mobile Post’s Young Professionals (YP) Committee was created to support young professionals (age 39 or younger) at the post level.  Our mission is to provide guidance and professional development resources to YPs, increase YP participation in Society events at the national and local levels, and enhance the professional network of our YPs.  We strive to promote strong and lasting mentoring bonds between our Fellows and YPs through special events targeted to YPs.

The YP Committee needs your input!  We are always seeking new ideas and fun ways to work with our YMs.  To provide input and to get involved, please contact YP Committee Chair Bailey Crane.

If you are a YP and want to be more active at the National level, please visit the SAME Young Professional COI.  All YPs are invited to join the Young Professional Community of Interest!

Student Members

University of South Alabama Student Chapter

The University of South Alabama SAME Student Chapter is an incredibly active organization of students majoring in Engineering and related programs.  They operate independently of, but is supported by, the Mobile Post and operate one of the more active SAME student chapters in the nation.  The Mobile Post encourages our members  to build professional relationships with the Student Chapter members and to help foster the next generation of professionals in our field.

  • Introduce students to job opportunities in military engineering by speaking at or attending a Student Chapter meeting.  See our Post Calendar for meeting dates and details about attending and presenting at the meetings.
  • Mentor students and help them establish their professional network.  Student Chapter members attend Post luncheons, attend Post events and Young Member events, and also host a SAME tailgating tent at USA football games.  GO JAGS!
  • Provide technical and professional advice to help students kickstart their careers. Conduct mock interviews or function as a senior design mentor.    
  • Attend or conduct presentations at monthly Student Chapter meetings. See our Post Calendar for upcoming dates.

For more information about the USA Student Chapter and their programs, please visit their Facebook page or email Student Chapter President Dillon Draughn.

Communities of Interest

SAME’s Communities of Interest offer members a chance to engage nationally with other professionals focused on a particular technical field or demographic within joint engineering and the A/E/C industry.