Bio-Electro-Chemical Tools and Their Sustainability in Contaminants Remediation

PDH Hours

This presentation will introduce a novel bio-electro-chemical (BEC) technique that can address the challenge of effective and sustainable cleanup of contaminants in tight geological formations such as clay and silts. BEC leverages the interactions of microbes and electron transfer, and the electrochemical reactions in such processes, to achieve degradation of a variety of contaminants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, and PFAS.

The BEC system produces zero to minimum carbon footprint and eliminates rebound by enhancing mass desorption during the degradation. Discussion will cover the use of micron-scale carbon suspension injections to overcome low-level hydrocarbons at three sites. Located in environmentally sensitive, limited-access areas, the projects focused on reducing concentrations below NCGWQ standards. Lessons learned in three distinct environments used to modify treatment in real time will be covered.


  • Song Jin, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Advanced Environmental Technologies/Adjunct Professor, University of Wyoming

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