About SAME Awards & Recognition

SAME annually presents medals and awards to individuals and organizations from the public and private sectors in recognition of achievement in support of the A/E/C profession, national security objectives, and the SAME Strategic Plan. 

Nominations for this year’s SAME national awards/medals are closed, as of Feb. 3, 2025. Winners will be recognized during the 2025 JETC in Louisville, Ky. (May 13-15).

Additional information about each SAME national award and medal, as well as past recipients, can be found using the tabs below.

Golden Eagle Awards
SAME National Awards – JETC

Recognized during JETC

Post Awards
Industry-Government Engagement Post Award (IGE) For excellence and leadership in supporting the Society’s Industry-Government Engagement (IGE) Plan
STEM Excellence Post Award For Excellence and Execution in supporting STEM


Individual Awards
Bliss Medal For excellence in education and student mentoring
Gerald C. Brown Mentoring Award For outstanding mentoring efforts from a Fellow
Gibson Veteran Transition Medal For superior efforts in assisting uniformed personnel transition to the private sector
Goethals Medal For preeminence in engineering, design or construction
Industry-Government Engagement Individual Award (IGE) For excellence and leadership in supporting the Society’s Industry-Government Engagement (IGE) Plan
Leader Development Award For distinguished performance in the area of leader development
Member Recruitment Champion Award For superior efforts in recruiting new members into the society at the Post level
Paul R. Smith NCO Medal For outstanding leadership and contributions to military engineering
Post Service Medal For significant and faithful service to SAME at the Post level
STEM Champion Award (Individual) For excellence and leadership in supporting STEM
Student Leadership Medal For outstanding Leadership in support of student professional development and mentoring
Urbahn Medal For preeminence in architecture
Walter O. Bachus Gold Medal For SAME lifetime achievement
Young Professional Leadership in Engineering Excellence Award For achievements of young professionals
Young Professional Medal For outstanding leadership and accomplishments in support of the SAME mission


Company Awards
J.W. Morris Corporate Member Award (Large Business) For eminent contributions to SAME by a Sustaining Member organization
Robert B. Flowers Small Business Award For eminent contributions to SAME by a Small Business Sustaining Member
Seymour S. Greenfield Sustaining Member Award (Medium Company) For eminent contributions to SAME by a Sustaining Member organization


Design Awards For design excellence in the built environment for planned and constructed works throughout the world
President’s Medal For outstanding SAME leadership and accomplishment
Toulmin Medal For most outstanding article written for The Military Engineer by an SAME member


SAME National Awards – SBC

Presented at SB

Small Business Award, Large Business Award and Industry Small Business Advocate Award, PSBLO Award
Small Business Award For eminent contributions to small business
Large Business Award For eminent contributions to small business
Industry Small Business Advocate Award For eminent contributions to small business
Post Small Business Liaison Officer Award For eminent contributions to small business


Uniformed Service Awards

Please contact your chain of command for information about the Uniformed Service Awards nomination process.  SAME provides a formal ceremony for recipients. Uniformed Service Awards Manual.

U.S. Army
Wheeler Medal For outstanding contributions to military engineering
Sturgis Medal For outstanding contributions to troop construction and/or base maintenance
Itschner Award For most outstanding Army engineering company
U.S. Navy
Moreell Medal For outstanding contribution to military engineering
Shields Medal For outstanding contributions to facility construction and/or maintenance
Peltier Award For most outstanding Navy construction battalion
Toner Award For outstanding contribution to military engineering
U.S. Marine Corps
Outstanding Senior Engineer Officer For outstanding contributions to military engineering
Outstanding Senior Engineer SNCO For outstanding contributions to military engineering
U.S. Air Force
Newman Medal For outstanding contributions to military engineering
Goddard Medal For outstanding contributions to military engineering, including troop construction, base maintenance and contingency engineering
Curtin Award For most outstanding Air Force engineering group or squadron
U.S. Coast Guard
Oren Medal For outstanding contributions to military engineering
Sargent Medal For outstanding contributions to civil engineering or facilities engineering
Cowart Award For most outstanding Coast Guard facilities engineering and civil engineering units
U.S. Public Health Service
Green Medal For outstanding contributions to public health engineering
Hollis Medal For outstanding contributions to public health engineering
Cumming Award For most outstanding Public Health Service engineering or science organization
David M. Fraser Award For engineering excellence and leadership by an USMA First Class Cadet
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Colbert Medal For outstanding contribution to engineering through achievement in design, construction, administration, research, or development
Karo Award For outstanding contribution in an engineering or scientific field


Society Ball & Awards Gala

People remember the names of kings and presidents. But the names of those who surveyed, engineered, designed and built America—and helped build other nations—do not come quite so easily to mind. Yet the living conditions of people, the expanding world economy and the emergence of global stability are products of the remarkable gifts and the immeasurable contributions of engineers. Each year, SAME presents awards saluting individuals, companies, government agencies and uniformed teams and units whose achievements are making our Society, our private and public organizations, and our lives significantly better today. 

The Gold Medal recognizes strong leadership. That’s something I’ve always tried to do. The award is something we should all strive for, but not rest once it is received. It’s just like being inducted into the Academy of Fellows in that you can’t sit back once you get there, but instead, stay active and relevant to the Society. There’s still so much more we can do to give back.

Col. Ronald Torgerson, P.E., PMP, CHPP, F.SAME, USAF (Ret.), 2017 Walter O. Bachus Gold Medal Recipient