Pittsburgh Post March Luncheon

Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania

Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania

337 Fourth Ave

Active Military

Thank you to our March Luncheon Sponsor!

Event Details

Date: Tuesday March 12, Noon

Location: Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania

Presenter: Mr. Shawn McWilliams

Topic: ALCOSAN’s upcoming Ohio River Tunnel (ORT) Construction Project

Shawn McWilliams is a project engineer with the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) Regional Conveyance Division. He has been with the Authority for over 16 years and is currently working in the role of Project Manager for the ALCOSAN Tunnel Program Management team. Shawn has a B.S. in Civil Engineering Technology from Point Park University. He previously worked for Veolia Water and the Girty’s Run Joint Sewer Authority.

The ALCOSAN Regional Tunnel System will accommodate more flow through construction of a new conveyance or transport system made of deep tunnels and related infrastructure. The new regional tunnel system will consist of three major tunnel projects (Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela River tunnels), all approximately 150+ feet deep, which will capture wet weather combined sewer overflows and move them to the plant for treatment.

Current Status of the Ohio River Tunnel project: The final designer is working towards a 90% design. ALCOSAN continues to work directly with the communities along the proposed routes, including working on acquiring or gaining access to the necessary properties.

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