TME September-October 2023

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The September-October 2023 issue of TME features articles covering asset management; a spotlight on the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernization for Science Project to modernize facilities at McMurdo Station, Antarctica; and a report on the Troops to Engineers program at San Diego State University that is helping support veterans transitioning into engineering careers. This issue also contains a sneak peek at the excitement waiting for attendees at the 2023 Federal Small Business Conference and the first annual Faces of Federal Business special advertising section showcasing today’s leaders in the federal marketplace.

In Society News, read about the official transition conducted at Post Leaders Workshop to install Maj. Gen. Michael Wehr, P.E., USA (Ret.) as SAME Executive Director; enjoy an interview with the Omaha Post’s Student Mentoring Program on its 30th year of growing student engineering leaders; and check out an in-depth dive on asset management and geospatial activities conducted by SAME’s Communities of Interest during the 2023 JETC.

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